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PIC E10030552

Full legal name (National Language): Istituto Comprensivo Assisi 1

Full legal name (Latin characters): Istituto Comprensivo Assisi 1

Acronym: I.C. ASSISI 1

National OID E10030552

Address (Street and number): Via S. BENEDETTO 5, 06081 ASSISI (PG)

Country: Italy

Region: Umbria

Post Code: 06081


Website: www.assisiuno.edu.it

Email: pgic83500t@istruzione.it

Telephone: 0039075812360

Fax: 0039075812360

Contacts: angelalemma30@gmail.com


The Institute “Assisi 1” is composed by diverse schools (kindergartens, primary schools and one middle school “Frate Francesco”) with students from 3 years up to 14.

Our specialities…


Outdoor education is an educational strategy based on active pedagogy and on experiential learning so that children can grow up through concrete and direct experiences, knowledge, skills and competences. In our school we suggest and believe in a teaching that values experience by giving children the chance to live outdoor activities in laboratory spaces (coding, robotics, etc.).


Our school follows the “Reggio Emilia Approach”, an educational philosophy whereby the child is the bearer of strong development skills, he learns and grows up in the relationship with the others, into a rich and stimulating environment. Every child is the builder of his own knowledge and is guided by his unique and peculiar interests.

The core of the method lies in the “100 languages” that the child has the opportunity to develop thanks to the daily action with different materials, languages, points of view and at the same time keeping hands, thoughts and emotions active, valuing expressiveness and creativity.

…” Each child has got 100 languages, 100 ways of thinking, playing, talking, 100 ways of listening, amazing, loving, 100 worlds to discover, invent, 100 ways of dreaming…”

(Loris Malaguzzi)


Students from 10 to 14.

In our school students can study different subjects such as: English, French, Italian, History, Geography, Art, Music, Technology, Physical Education, Maths, Science and Religious Education.

Teachers provide both theoretical and practical training to quickly and easily teach all the notions and procedures that will be required in the world of Secondary high schools, whatever the field of application.

Our school in general also offers the pupils the possibility of acquiring a humanistic and literary education that will allow young people to reach an adequate language and the necessary logic to understand the complexity of the facts.

The presence in the school of scientific, STEM, technological and linguistic laboratories will help teenagers in obtaining a theoretical and practical acquisition and will also give them the chance to compare theory and experience.

Moreover, the Institute leads students to expand their knowledge by taking part in:

– European mobility projects (Erasmus +);

– Theatrical, art and musical workshop activities;

– English language certifications;

– Sports groups (activity by the Institute’s gym).

The school uses innovative teaching methodologies. All classrooms are equipped with multimedia interactive whiteboards. Teachers take care of each student and activate personalised courses to guarantee educational success for all. Inclusion is one of the core topic of all our activities, since we have a lot of special need students.

For this reason all the staff has specialized competences in working with inclusive methodologies, reaching very good results and educating all the school community (students and family) according to inclusion values.

The school has also experienced for 3 years an Erasmus project KA229 with European schools in Portugal, Lithuania and Romania.

The Institute has formed an instrumental function that deals specifically with planning and mobility at European level, both for staff and learners, with the Erasmus + project.

Therefore, the teaching and administrative staff has gained experience in:

– publicizing the project through local media;

– budget management and administrative aspects of the entire life cycle of a project;

– selection of candidates;

– linguistic and cultural preparation;

– management of contacts with local and foreign partners;

– final reporting.

In particular Mrs. Angela Lemma, teacher of English and person in charge of Erasmus+ projects, will bring her skills to the project regarding planning and management of:

  • selection of participants;
  • planning and implementation of preparation activities before departure;
  • management of all technical and organizational aspects of mobility;
  • management of the flow of participants;
  • management of relations with foreign partners and participants;
  • planning and implementation of monitoring and evaluation.